Monday, September 9, 2013

Workout Recap... With Oatmeal!

As you may have guessed, Runner's World is my main source of inspiration for all things running related. Pinterest is a close second, but I sometimes find Pinterest a little vapid and ill-informed. I mean, doing "50 jumping jacks and a 30 second plank before every shower" or whatever is probably not going to give you a thigh gap. Also, what the heck is everyone obsessing over thigh gaps for? Some of these "thinspo/fitspo" girls look like they are starving. They have a thigh gap, yes, but they look too emaciated to enjoy the "thigh gap life."

I, for one, do not have a thigh gap and am not aiming to get one. Not only would I look way too thin with a thigh gap, the term thigh gap is ridiculous sounding.

Anyway, back to Runner's World. Mark Remy recently did an interview with Matthew Inman, creator of The Oatmeal. It's good and you should read it. And that, predictably, led me to read the six-part comic, The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances.

It's funny. Like, hilarious. I was laughing out load. My favorite part:

I was particularly drawn to Part 4, which talks about Vanity. Running isn't about vanity. You will probably not stick with running if you are doing it just to look good. I mean, have you seen my running outfits?

This comic was particularly inspiring this week as I did not come near as close to my weekly work out goal as I wanted. I missed a few workouts due mostly to laziness. Oh well. I'll just have to try again this week!

My mantra for this week will be drawn from The Oatmeal... Don't be a potato! Be a person!

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