Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Recap: Birthday Edition!

Work/life was cuh-razy last week so I did not have time to draft any legit posts until today. Actually, I did have time yesterday evening but I was exhausted from my birthday weekend so I slept instead.

The reason I was so busy the last week and a half was because (a) I went to a conference in Boulder, CO for work, (b) I went home to Sacramento for the weekend (November 15-17) to surprise my dad for his birthday (we have a lot of November babies in my family), (c) I had three evening events at work this week and one breakfast event, and finally, (d) I am taking accounting online through Coursera and it was my last week so I needed to catch up on video lectures before taking my final exam.

Needless to say I had pretty much no down time for the last ten days that wasn't spent studying, sleeping, or shoveling food into my mouth before moving on to the next activity. But it's cool, because I got to co-host the event on Thursday with Soledad O'Brien.

Ok, so really she hosted the awards show and I handed the awards to the winners, but whatevs. I got to hang out with her for like three hours backstage in between winners and she was super personable and nice.

On Friday I kept it pretty low key. Chris got in to town and we ate mac and cheese, I watched accounting videos, and he did schoolwork. We lead very glamorous lives. I intentionally had a lame evening so that I would be rested up for Saturday, aka MY BIRTHDAY!

My birthday is usually on or around Thanksgiving and therefore no one is ever in town. I rarely if ever have parties to celebrate my birthday or really even see anyone besides family. For instance, last year on my birthday I went running, got a massage, and pretty much didn't speak to another human being until going out to dinner with my sister. But this year was different. Thanksgiving is super late this year and people were actually in town!

On Saturday, I woke up and went on a three mile run. I was feeling nice and refreshed since I had had such a mellow evening prior. Then Chris and I headed out to grab some lunch. The food truck gods decided to give me a birthday blessing and as we were walking and deciding where to go to lunch, we passed Red Hook! They are my favorite food truck and they serve amazingly delicious lobster rolls. It was serendipity.

Maine-style, because why would you ever turn down anything poached in butter?
I had an extra hour until I was meeting friends for a mani pedi, so Chris and I stopped by Kramerbooks to look at books (duh). Kramerbooks also has a bar and cafe inside and they have pretty awesome desserts. I got a sundae to celebrate since I knew I wasn't really going to want dessert at dinner.

Creeper in the back is looking aloof, but he def wanted in on this sundae action.
Then I headed out to the salon and had a lovely time getting nails done! I actually went with Chris' brother's girlfriend who lives in DC and Chris' sister who was also visiting for the weekend.

They headed to Georgetown to go shopping and, since I loathe shopping, I headed home for a bit of downtime before meeting up with them again for dinner at B Too. They arrived at dinner with two fantastic birthday presents for me.

It's a crazy cat ornament and crazy cat lady mug. I had an appropriate reaction (crazy).
Dinner was, in a word, delicious. Expensive, but also delicious. We got a cheese plate for the table along with a bottle of wine and I got a beet salad and mussels. Holy moly was it good. It was the perfect decadent meal to cap off a really perfect day.

After dinner Chris and I headed out to a couple of bars on U Street. I am usually not one to take a lot of cabs since I am a cheapskate, but it was freezing cold outside and I was wearing higher heels than I normally wear. Plus... it was my birthday. So we cabbed up there, hung out at bars for far too long and then went home at an unreasonable hour. At some point in my life this will no longer be possible, but I am happy to report that it is still totally doable at the ripe old age of 25.

All in all, it was one of the best birthdays I have had in a very long time and I love that I got to spend it with so many great people!

(My Sunday was spent watching football and sleeping. Nothing much to report except that my fantasy team is still doing poorly. Shocker.)

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