Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Leggie Blonde

Leggie, leggie, leggie, leggie. Blondie, blondie, blondie, blondie. Leggie Blonde!

Anyone else a Flight of the Concords fan? I used to love that show but I haven't seen an episode in years. I wonder if it's on Netflix...

Anyway, just finished my P90X Legs and Back video and my legs are definitely feeling it. I am not currently going through the P90X program; I just felt like I wanted to do a legs workout and have the videos, so why not?

I actually did try the 90-day program last winter though with mixed results. My friend and her husband had used P90X to get in shape for their wedding and they looked AMAZING, so I was definitely intrigued. Then my dad started using the videos and offered to share them with me.

First, I should admit that I did not follow the program exactly and I didn’t follow the diet plan at all. So, if you feel like fully sacrificing 90 days of your life to the cult of Tony Horton, you may get better results than I did. The plus side of P90X is that all the workouts are scheduled for you and you don’t really have to spend a lot of time planning your workout or worrying about timing it. You just push play and do whatever Tony tells you to do. I wasn’t really trying to lose weight, really I was more interested in toning up a bit, and I do think P90X worked for that. However, I didn’t like that there wasn’t a lot of cardio during the 90 days (really it’s just the Kenpo and Plyo videos) and I also got a little bored of watching the same videos week after week. Not that this matters, but I feel like P90X has fallen out of favor recently among the uberfit. Aren’t all the cool kids doing Insanity and CrossFit nowadays? But, I’d still recommend it, particularly if you can borrow the videos from someone else who has graduated from Tony to Jillian Michaels, etc…

Well, I’m off to go eat a cookie (recipe to come). Balance!

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